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As a part of its Cultural Heritage Documentary Series (CHDS), AKHP in collaboration with the Tajik national TV ‘Tojikiston’ filmed film its second documentary on historical sites of Tajikistan in the Khatlon region. Filming and documenting the historical places and traditions connected to them is important for maintaining cultural heritage, promoting sustainable development, and preserving the natural environment. Specifically focusing on the historical and natural sites in the Qubodiyon, Shahrtuz and Vakhsh districts, this film will highlight the significance of the sites in the region's ecosystem and how their interconnectedness creates, supports, and sustains national culture.

The film project includes three phases: (1) a three-day fieldwork (filming), (2) one month deskwork (editing, translating, montage and final production) and (3) film screening in Dushanbe. The first phase is now completed. It is planned to release the film in late summer and then broadcast it on national television channels.