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From 26 to 29 of July 2023 AKHP conducted a Refresher Training for its trainers in Dushanbe and Bishkek. 43 university teachers and professors from 22 partner academic institutions (Tajikistan 11, Kazakhstan 4, Uzbekistan 1 and Kyrgyzstan 7) attended the training. It was designed for the existing AKHP trainers from the UCA’s founding states as well as for new partners, including the Kokand State Pedagogical Institute (Uzbekistan) to improve and develop their content knowledge and pedagogical skills and to ensure that the skills learned during the previous trainings (the last training was conducted in 2017) are not lost due to lack of use. The key curricular objective of the training was to assist the trainers in understanding, articulating and communicating fundamental principles of the AKHP anthologies. More specifically the sessions focused on the new edition and translations (in Tajik, Kazakh and Kyrgyz) of the ‘Introduction to Humanities’ including its underlying intellectual perspectives, philosophy, educational approaches, underpinnings, key messages and content. Similarly, the trainers discussed reports on the recent pilot test teachings of the ‘Introduction to Humanities’ in classroom context of Bishkek (in Kyrgyz) and Dushanbe (in Tajik) and proposed ways of full implantation of this course in national languages in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Underlining their roles as the AKHP ambassadors, the trainers reconfirmed their obligations to teach AKHP anthologies, provide support to the new trainee teachers and server as intellectual resource support to their respective universities. The programme of the training also included tours to historical and contemporary sites of Dushanbe including the Tajik National Museum, National Library, the new opened largest mosque in Central Asia and the Varzob valley.

